Monday, November 26, 2007

Kamehameha III High School home of the Captains

Aloha, welcome to Kamehameha (Ka·me·ha·me·ha) the Third High School. Our school is named after Kamehameha the third. He was the King of the kingdom of Hawaii. Kamehamea the third in 1845, moved the permanent capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom from Lahaina on Maui to Honolulu. He and many kings after him transformed Honolulu to a modern capital. Building St. Andrew's Cathedal, Lolani Place and Aliiolani Hale. Honolulu became the center of commerce in the island also at this time.

Anyways, our school is a public, co-educational high school. This school has not been around very long. About five years at the most, so everything is very new and up to date with the hip new styles of a high school.We specialize in a varity of different classes. We have several classes that specialize in the study of the ocean and the animals in it. We also have a surfing team and proffessional surfing lessons. We have some of the highest test scores in the state. Our campus is beautiful. We have lots of tennis courts and a lovley view of the ocean from the high school. We are in the top five schools for sports teams. We are masters in football,tennis, soccer, and lacrosse. We also have very elite choir and band programs. Our high school is very big but our population is small. This allows many different opportunities for all of the high school students. More one on one time with the teachers and smaller classe sizes.

We are the school of the Captains. We got our name because honolulu had a lot of good ship captains come out of it and since we are right off the ocean there are still a lot of captains that are part of Honolulu today and we all figured we should honor all those captains who get lost at sea. The people of the school board reviewed our choice and made sure that this was not offending anyone because non of us would like to offend anyone and have the problems of the mascot debate.

Captain James Cook of Honolulu

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